Membrane Proteins Screening Array, AB5000

Membrane Proteins Screening Array, AB5000


MPSA-AB5000 is a high-throughput cell-based platform for identifying the targets of antibodies and other ligands that bind to membrane proteins. To provide the highest level of sensitivity, MPSA-AB5000 uses luciferase reporter cell line detection. Wash-free strategy reduces false negatives, and signal amplification makes remarkable discrimination. All the advantages ensure MPSA-AB5000 is more rapid, simple, and highly sensitive than traditional assays. MPSA-AB5000 is an excellent solution for antibody specificity screening which enables early off-target screening and can de-risk the antibody drug development program.


Genetically engineered cell lines

Genetically engineered cell lines revolutionize research, enabling precise studies on diseases, therapies, and biological processes for innovative medical advancements.

In vitro and in vivo pharmacology

In vitro pharmacology explores drug effects in controlled lab settings, while in vivo studies investigate drug responses within living organisms.

Bispecific and tri-specific antibody discovery platform

Revolutionize immunotherapy with our cutting-edge Bispecific and Tri-specific Antibody Discovery Platform, enhancing precision and efficacy in targeted cancer treatments

MPSA-AB5000 panel

Genetically engineered cell lines revolutionize research, enabling precise studies on diseases, therapies, and biological processes for innovative medical advancements.

AI-based antibody development platform

Revolutionize immunotherapy with our cutting-edge Bispecific and Tri-specific Antibody Discovery Platform, enhancing precision and efficacy in targeted cancer treatments